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Garden journal entry


September 26, 2012. Many of the annuals in our garden don't come into their own until the tail end of the season. That goes for both of the ones seeking attention with their orange-red flowers in this picture, taken in our curve garden. Both have been blooming for a while, but they get better as the season goes on. The Mexican sunflowers always take a while to settle into the garden – no matter how hard I try to keep them happy, they always seem to go into a prolonged sulk after setting them from their seedling pots into the garden. Then they kind of hide while the spring and summer flowers do their thing, until all of a sudden in late summer, there they are, ready to wow. Meanwhile, the Salvia rotundifolia do their thing, growing slenderly upright, weaving in and out of neighboring plants, hardly seen in their green state. They start blooming a little earlier than the Tithonia, but the first flowers appear sparsely on only a few stems. By early fall, they finally attain some color mass. Even though there is no color contrast, I like the combination of the two.

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Last modified: September 09, 2009
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