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Family: apiaceae

General resources

  • Wikipedia. Online encyclopedia entry (if defined).
  • GRIN. Taxonomical details, with common names, distribution, and synonyms.

Species of Aciphylla

Aciphylla aurea
Aciphylla congesta
Aciphylla crosby-smithii
Aciphylla dieffenbachii
Aciphylla dobsonii
Aciphylla ferox
Aciphylla glacialis
Aciphylla glaucescens
Aciphylla gracilis
Aciphylla hectori
Aciphylla horrida
Aciphylla kirkii
Aciphylla leighii
Aciphylla monroi
Aciphylla pinnatifida
Aciphylla scott-thomsonii
Aciphylla similis
Aciphylla simplicifolia
Aciphylla spedenii
Aciphylla squarrosa
Aciphylla subflabellata
Aciphylla townsonii
Aciphylla traillii
Aciphylla verticillata

Last updated:22 Feb 2015