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Heracleum mantegazzianum

Heracleum mantegazzianum
giant hogweed
Common name giant hogweed
Family apiaceae
Life cycle monocarpic perennial
Flowers white (June)
Size 10' or larger
Light sun-part shade

We grew this on the berm way in the back of our yard, since it has an unpleasant reputation for toxicity and skin irritation. In fact, after learning more about it from discussions here and elsewhere on the internet, we won't be letting this plant back into our garden - since it is monocarpic, our original plants died after blooming (two years after sowing). I removed occasional seedlings for the next few years, and it appears to be under control now. For all its evils in terms of toxicity and invasiveness, it is an interesting plant that I enjoyed watching for a season or two. The flower buds look like something out of Invasion of the body snatchers, and the leaves are just huge. Quite a bold plant - too bad it has such a bad attitude.

Heracleum mantegazzianum

This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away...

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