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Garden journal entry


March 15, 2010. Hey, here are some more seedlings to make baby sounds at out of sheer excitement over their new-born cuteness. I had tried several times before to grow tree peonies of various species from traded seed, but never had any luck. This time it appears I have succeeded, due in no small part to excellent instructions from my trading partner. She detailed how the seeds first sprout a single root at room temperature, after which they need to be subjected to cold conditions for a while to develop a more extensive root system. All of that took place in baggies, with a bit of damp potting soil stuffed alongside the seeds. When I took them out of the fridge (sure enough, more roots!), I put them straight into pots, and sure enough, seedlings pushed up a few days later. The whispy leaves atop burgundy stems open up further after a day or two. I'm hoping I can give these the right conditions to grow on to maturity (I failed already once with P. obovata, which perished shortly after I set them into the nursery area). Wish me luck!

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