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Rob's Plant Links

Allium cernuum

Family: amaryllidaceae
Common name(s): nodding onion
Hardiness ratings: USDA zone 3~4 - 8~10

General resources

Links for Allium cernuum

  • BBC Gardening - Plant profile with horticultural details and garden uses. (1 photo)
  • Dave's Garden PlantFiles - Profile page with horticultural basics, and member-contributed photos and comments. (zone 3-10a) (8 photos)
  • - Community-assembled plant profile (11 photos)
  • Heritage Perennials: Allium cernuum ‘Hidcote’ - Profile with description and horticultural details. (additional pages for other varieties) (zone 3-9) (1 photo)
  • Illinois Wildflowers - Informative illustrated page with description and cultivation details, also covering range and faunal associations.
  • Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - Plant description and characteristics with notes on distribution, culture, and propagation. (34 photos)
  • Missouri Botanical Garden - Plantfinder page for one of the plants growing at the garden, with usually one or more photos, horticultural information, and noteworthy characteristics. (zone 4-8) (6 photos)
  • NARGS - Plant of the month portrait, with description and information about cultivation and propagation. (1 photo)
  • NARGS Image Gallery - Photograph(s) contributed by North American Rock Garden Society members. (4 photos)
  • North Carolina State University factsheet - Plant profile with horticultural details and comments (zone 4-8) (16 photos)
  • Ontario Rock Garden Society - Germination information (additional information for other varieties)
  • Pacific Bulb Society - One of the plants described on this page about the genus. (additional pages for other varieties) (6 photos)
  • Paghat's Garden - Illustrated articles by a gardener in the Pacific Northwest, with background and personal observations. (1 photo)
  • Rob's Plants - Plant profile with basic horticultural information and often personal observations. Also seed germination records. (zone 4-10) (4 photos)
  • Southwest Colorado Wildflowers - Photos and botanical information about the species/genus. (6 photos)
  • Turner Photographics - Profile of wildflower of the US Pacific Northwest, with botanical description, habitat and distribution, and photo gallery.

Allium cernuum album


Allium cernuum var. cernuum


Allium cernuum var. neomexicanum


Allium cernuum obtusum


Allium cernuum × rubens


Allium cernuum sspobtusum


Last updated:20 Dec 2023