Family: scrophulariaceae
Common name(s): butterfly-bush
Hardiness ratings: USDA zone 5~6 - 9~10
General resources
Links for Buddleja davidii
- Annie's Annuals: Buddleja davidii 'Ellen's Blue' (on - Catalog page with photo, basic horticultural information, and noteworthy features. (additional cultivars listed in catalog) (zone 5-10a)
(2 photos)
- Asianflora - Plant photos.
(5 photos)
- BBC Gardening - Plant profile with horticultural details and garden uses.
(1 photo). Also pages for 'Harlequin', 'Royal Red', and 'White Cloud'.
- Carolina Nature - Illustrated woody plant profile, with notes on range and identification.
(7 photos)
- Dave's Garden PlantFiles - Profile page with horticultural basics, and member-contributed photos and comments. (zone 5-9)
(20 photos)
- Denver Botanic Gardens - Description, native range, and cultural requirements. (zone 5)
- Digging Dog Nursery: Buddleja davidii 'Summer Beauty' - Catalog page with descriptive information (additional pages for other varieties) (zone 5)
- Floridata - Illustrated informative profile page with notes on culture, usage, and noteworthy features. (zone 5-10)
(3 photos)
- - Community-assembled plant profile (65 varieties in database)
(36 photos)
- Heritage Perennials: Buddleia davidii Nanho Blue - Profile with description and horticultural details. (additional pages for other varieties) (zone 5-9)
(1 photo)
- Missouri Botanical Garden - Plantfinder page for one of the plants growing at the garden, with usually one or more photos, horticultural information, and noteworthy characteristics. (zone 5-9)
(3 photos). Also pages for 'Adokeep' ADONIS BLUE, 'Attraction', 'Black Knight', 'Butterfly Heaven', 'Buzz Violet Blue', 'Ellen's Blue', 'Evil Ways', 'Monrell' STRAWBERRY LEMONADE, 'Monum' PETITE PLUM, 'Nanho Blue', 'Nanho Purple', 'Niche's Choice', 'PIIBD-I' FIRST EDITIONS GROOVY GRAPE, 'PIIBD-II' FIRST EDITIONS FUNKY FUCHSIA, 'PIIBD-III' FIRST EDITIONS PSYCHEDELIC SKY, 'Peakeep' PEACOCK, 'Pink Delight', 'Pyrkeep' PURPLE EMPEROR, 'Royal Red', 'White Ball', and 'White Profusion'.
- Missouri Plants - Description and photographs of botanical features, with notes about habitat and native status.
(9 photos)
- North Carolina State University factsheet - Plant profile with horticultural details and comments (zone 5-9)
(15 photos). Also pages for 'Attraction' and 'Harlequin'.
- Ontario Rock Garden Society - Germination information (use search on page to find this taxon)
- Plant Delights Nursery: Buddleia davidii 'Black Knight' - Catalog page with photo, horticultural basics, and descriptive blurb. (additional pages for other varieties) (zone 5-10)
(1 photo)
- Trees and Shrubs Online - Reference page curated by the International Dendrology Society with descriptive characteristics and horticultural notes.
(45 photos)
- Virginia Tech Dendrology - Factsheet with botanical characteristics and photos of various features. (zone 5-9)
(6 photos)
Common name(s): Butterfly Bush; Summer Lilac
Hardiness ratings: USDA zone 5 - 9