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Family: asteraceae

General resources

  • Wikipedia. Online encyclopedia entry (if defined).
  • GRIN. Taxonomical details, with common names, distribution, and synonyms.

Species of Chaetanthera

Chaetanthera acerosa
Chaetanthera apiculata
Chaetanthera chilensis
Chaetanthera cochlearifolia
Chaetanthera collina
Chaetanthera comata
Chaetanthera dioica
Chaetanthera glandulosa
Chaetanthera involucrata
Chaetanthera lanata
Chaetanthera lycopodioides
Chaetanthera pulvinata
Chaetanthera renifolia
Chaetanthera revoluta
Chaetanthera spathulifolia
Chaetanthera sphaeroidalis
Chaetanthera villosa

Last updated:22 Feb 2015