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Crocus biflorus

Family: iridaceae
Common name(s): Scotch Crocus
Hardiness ratings: USDA zone 3 - 9

General resources

Links for Crocus biflorus

Crocus biflorus subsp. alexandri


Crocus biflorus subsp. biflorus


  • Iris' Garden - Gardener in the Netherlands presents a photo of this plant, with basic horticultural information. (1 photo)
  • NARGS Image Gallery - Photograph(s) contributed by North American Rock Garden Society members. (1 photo)

Crocus biflorus subsp. isauricus

Common name(s): Crocus
Hardiness ratings: USDA zone 4


Crocus biflorus subsp. melantherus


  • NARGS Image Gallery - Photograph(s) contributed by North American Rock Garden Society members. (1 photo)

Crocus biflorus subsp. pseudonubigenus


  • NARGS Image Gallery - Photograph(s) contributed by North American Rock Garden Society members. (1 photo)

Crocus biflorus subsp. pulchricolor

Common name(s): Silvery Crocus
Hardiness ratings: USDA zone 4


  • Denver Botanic Gardens - Description, native range, and cultural requirements. (zone 4) (2 photos)
  • NARGS Image Gallery - Photograph(s) contributed by North American Rock Garden Society members. (1 photo)

Crocus biflorus subsp. tauri

Common name(s): Crocus
Hardiness ratings: USDA zone 4


  • Denver Botanic Gardens - Description, native range, and cultural requirements. (zone 4) (7 photos)
  • NARGS Image Gallery - Photograph(s) contributed by North American Rock Garden Society members. (1 photo)

Last updated:20 Dec 2023