Family: malvaceae
Common name(s): rose of sharon
Hardiness ratings: USDA zone 5~5b - 8~9
General resources
Links for Hibiscus syriacus
- BBC Gardening: Hibiscus syriacus 'White Chiffon' - Plant profile with horticultural details and garden uses. (1 photo)
- Cal's Plant of the Week - Profile for plant, primarily relating to pot culture, with notes on culture and propagation. (zone 5-9) (1 photo)
- Carolina Nature - Illustrated woody plant profile, with notes on range and identification. (11 photos)
- Dave's Garden PlantFiles - Profile page with horticultural basics, and member-contributed photos and comments. (zone 5-9a) (60 photos)
- Floridata - Illustrated informative profile page with notes on culture, usage, and noteworthy features. (zone 5-9) (2 photos)
- - Community-assembled plant profile (29 varieties in database) (41 photos)
- Kansas Wildflowers & Grasses - Plant portrait with botanical details and description (9 photos)
- Missouri Botanical Garden - Plantfinder page for one of the plants growing at the garden, with usually one or more photos, horticultural information, and noteworthy characteristics. (zone 5-8) (1 photo). Also pages for 'America Irene Scott' SUGAR TIP, 'Antong Two' LIL' KIM, 'Aphrodite', 'Boule de Feu' FIREBALL, 'Diana', 'Helene', 'Lucy', 'Marina' BLUE SATIN, 'Mineru' FIRST EDITIONS TAHITI, 'Minerva', 'Minfren' FIRST EDITIONS BALI, 'Minspot' FIRST EDITIONS FIJI, 'Minsygrbl' FIRST EDITIONS HAWAII, 'Notwoodone' LAVENDER CHIFFON, and 'Notwoodtwo' WHITE CHIFFON.
- Missouri Plants - Description and photographs of botanical features, with notes about habitat and native status. (6 photos)
- North Carolina State University factsheet - Plant profile with horticultural details and comments (zone 5-9a) (15 photos). Also pages for 'Blue Bird' and 'Diana'.
- Ontario Rock Garden Society - Germination information (additional information for other varieties)
- Paghat's Garden: Hibiscus syriacus 'Aphrodite' - Illustrated articles by a gardener in the Pacific Northwest, with background and personal observations. (1 photo). Also pages for 'Blue Bird' and 'White Chiffon' aka 'Notwoodtwo'.
- Plant Delights Nursery: Hibiscus syriacus 'Carpa' - Catalog page with photo, horticultural basics, and descriptive blurb. (1 photo)
- Rob's Plants - Plant profile with basic horticultural information and often personal observations. (zone 5) (2 photos)
- Virginia Tech Dendrology - Factsheet with botanical characteristics and photos of various features. (zone 5-8) (6 photos)