Family: hydrangeaceae
Common name(s): bigleaf hydrangea
Hardiness ratings: USDA zone 4~6 - 9~11
General resources
Links for Hydrangea macrophylla
- BBC Gardening - Plant profile with horticultural details and garden uses.
(1 photo). Also a page for 'Renate Steiniger'.
- Dave's Garden PlantFiles - Profile page with horticultural basics, and member-contributed photos and comments. (zone 4-9)
(26 photos)
- Denver Botanic Gardens: Hydrangea macrophylla 'All Summer Beauty' - Description, native range, and cultural requirements. (zone 5). Also a page for 'Fanfare' Next Generation Wedding Ring.
- Digging Dog Nursery: Hydrangea macrophylla 'All Summer Beauty' - Catalog page with descriptive information (additional pages for other varieties) (zone 5). Also a page for 'Blue Wave'.
- Floridata - Illustrated informative profile page with notes on culture, usage, and noteworthy features. (zone 6-10)
(2 photos)
- - Community-assembled plant profile (155 varieties in database)
(14 photos)
- John and Jacq's Garden: Hydrangea macrophylla 'Endless Summer' (on - Informational page provided by home gardeners in Malaysia with details on culture and propagation.
(15 photos)
- Missouri Botanical Garden - Plantfinder page for one of the plants growing at the garden, with usually one or more photos, horticultural information, and noteworthy characteristics. (zone 6-9)
(3 photos). Also pages for 'All Summer Beauty', 'Alpenglühen', 'Amethyst', 'Ami Pasquier', 'Bailmer' ENDLESS SUMMER, 'Berlin Rabe' CITYLINE BERLIN, 'Big Daddy', 'Blaumeise' BLUE TITMOUSE, 'Dancing Snow' WEDDING GOWN, 'David Ramsey', 'Decatur Blue', 'Dooley', 'ES' LET'S DANCE RHAPSODY BLUE, 'Enziandom', 'Fanfare' WEDDING RING, 'Fasan' PHEASANT, 'Forever Pink', 'Glowing Embers', 'Grenan' NANTUCKET BLUE, 'Hokomarevo' EVERLASTING REVOLUTION, 'Homigo', 'Hortmahar' EVERLASTING HARMONY, 'Hortmaja' EVERLASTING JADE, 'Horwack' PISTACHIO, 'Izu-no-hana', 'Kompeito' STAR GAZER, 'Lanarth White', 'Lemon Wave', 'Lynn' LET'S DANCE STARLIGHT, 'Maculata', 'Mariesii Perfecta' BLUE WAVE, 'Mariesii', 'Merritt's Supreme', 'Mini Penny', 'Monrey' BUTTONS 'N' BOWS, 'Mousmee', 'Mowe', 'Nigra', 'Nikko Blue', 'Otaksa', 'PHM-' BLOOMSTRUCK, 'Penny Mac', 'Pia', 'Robert' LET'S DANCE MOONLIGHT, 'SMHMLDD' LET'S DANCE DIVA, 'SMNHMP' LET'S DANCE BIG BAND, 'SMNHMSIGMA' LET'S DANCE RAVE, 'Shamrock', 'Sonmarie' PINK SHIRA, 'Taube', 'Tokyo Delight', 'Venice Raven' CITYLINE VENICE, DOUBLE DELIGHTS PERFECTION, and Group.
- North Carolina State University factsheet - Plant profile with horticultural details and comments (zone 6-11)
(44 photos). Also pages for 'Glowing Embers' and 'Lemon Daddy'.
- Paghat's Garden: Hydrangea macrophylla 'Mariesii Variegata' - Illustrated articles by a gardener in the Pacific Northwest, with background and personal observations.
(1 photo)
- Plant Delights Nursery: Hydrangea macrophylla 'Hatsushimo' - Catalog page with photo, horticultural basics, and descriptive blurb. (additional pages for other varieties) (zone 6-9)
(1 photo). Also a page for 'Maculata'.
- Rainy Side Gardeners: Hydrangea macrophylla 'Bailmer' - Plant profile compiled by two gardeners in the Pacific Northwest. Includes propagation and pruning methods, and commentary. (zone 4-9)
(3 photos). Also pages for 'Generale Vicomtesse de Vibraye' and 'Sumida-no-hanabi'.
- Rob's Plants: Hydrangea macrophylla 'Cityline Paris' - Plant profile with basic horticultural information and often personal observations. (zone 5-9)
(1 photo). Also pages for 'Nikko Blue' and Endless Summer BloomStruck ('PIIHM-II'.
- Trees and Shrubs Online - Reference page curated by the International Dendrology Society with descriptive characteristics and horticultural notes.
(3 photos)
- Virginia Tech Dendrology - Factsheet with botanical characteristics and photos of various features. (zone 6-9)
(6 photos)
Common name(s): Veitch Lacecap Big Leaf Hydrangea
Hardiness ratings: USDA zone 6 - 9
Hardiness ratings: USDA zone 6