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Opuntia polyacantha

Family: cactaceae
Common name(s): Plains Prickly Pear Cactus
Hardiness ratings: USDA zone 3~7 - 10

General resources

Links for Opuntia polyacantha

  • Cal's Plant of the Week (on - Profile for plant, primarily relating to pot culture, with notes on culture and propagation. (zone 3-10) (1 photo)
  • Dave's Garden PlantFiles - Profile page with horticultural basics, and member-contributed photos and comments. (zone 7-10) (4 photos)
  • - Community-assembled plant profile (6 photos)
  • Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - Plant description and characteristics with notes on distribution, culture, and propagation. (20 photos)
  • NARGS Image Gallery - Photograph(s) contributed by North American Rock Garden Society members. (1 photo)
  • Ontario Rock Garden Society - Germination information (use search on page to find this taxon)
  • Opuntia Web - Enthusiast's page describes characteristics and natural habitats of the species (and its subspecies, where appropriate). (75 photos)
  • Southwest Colorado Wildflowers - Photos and botanical information about the species/genus. (12 photos)
  • Turner Photographics - Profile of wildflower of the US Pacific Northwest, with botanical description, habitat and distribution, and photo gallery.
  • Virginia Tech Dendrology - Factsheet with botanical characteristics and photos of various features. (5 photos)

Opuntia polyacantha var. arenaria


Opuntia polyacantha var. erinacea


Opuntia polyacantha var. nicholii


Opuntia polyacantha var. polyacantha


Last updated:13 Dec 2024