What's this PlantLinks thing?
PlantLinks is a largish project I started years ago to make
web pages with useful information about individual plant species more easily
available to gardeners. More often than not, search engines return a bunch
of useless links in response to a plant name query – along with the good
ones, of course. After being frustrated with this for a long time, I
decided to see if I could do better. Of course I'll never be as good as
Google at finding all the information on the web. But at least I can make
sure that the links all go to resources that a gardener is likely to be
looking for.
I started the project by setting up a database to capture a basic level of
botanical taxonomy (family, genus, species, and the first level of
subspecies/variety/form), and links about these species from across the web.
Then I went to some of my favorite sources of plant information on the internet,
and harvested links to their plant pages. New species records are automatically
created as web pages for those species are found. So the taxonomy database
is being built up piece by piece, rather than imported all at once from a
single source.
Inevitably this method leads to errors in the database – misspellings,
species no longer considered botanically correct, etc. Using various sources,
as well as just my eyeballs, I'm trying to pick out inconsistencies and fix
them as I go. I'd appreciate any help I can get – so let me know if you
encounter a mistake.
PlantLinks isn't yet terribly user-friendly. The best way to find
things is to start from the top and click the link for the
genus you're interested in, then find the species on the next page. You can
try using the search – provided you type the name correctly, this will also get
you to the page of interest.
Taxonomical entities that are superseded by newer nomenclature are
handled by synonyms defined in the database. These synonyms appear in
italics — clicking the link takes you to the currently accepted
species entry. For an example, see the page for Aster.
In all taxonomical questions, my references are mostly The Plant List and Catalogue of Life. This puts some
species is unfamiliar places. For example, what many gardeners still know
as Belamcanda chinensis is found under
Iris domestica. But the synonym links
will generally get you in the right place.
I try to choose the sources of links carefully. Some are websites whose
intent is primarily informational (for example, Dave's Garden PlantFiles,
Floridata, and the BBC gardening section), while others are commercial.
You'll find catalog pages – but only from companies who do a good job
of illustrating and describing their plants. I welcome suggestions for more
As time allows, I hope to add pages from many more quality sources to
PlantLinks. Please write me with your
suggestions and comments so I can make it more useful.
Link sources
The majority of the links featured on these pages point to the following
AGS Fritillaria Group Alabama Plants Alpine Garden Society - Ulster American Dahlia Society Annie's Annuals  Arthur Lee Jacobson Asianflora Australian National Botanic Gardens BBC Gardening Cal's Plant of the Week  Carolina Nature Carolina Nature Central Texas Gardener Climbers Denver Botanic Gardens Digging Dog Nursery Floridata Hebe Society Heritage Perennials Illinois Wildflowers Iris Species Database Iris' Garden John and Jacq's Garden  Kansas Wildflowers & Grasses Krzystof Kozminski's Aroid Pages Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center Las Pilitas Nursery Missouri Botanical Garden Missouri Plants NARGS NARGS Image Gallery Native Plant Society of Texas Native Plants of Central Texas New Mexico Rare Plants New Zealand Native Plants North American Orchid Center North Carolina State University factsheet Ontario Rock Garden Society Ontario Rock Garden Society Opuntia Web Pacific Bulb Society Paghat's Garden Plant Delights Nursery PlantzAfrica Rainy Side Gardeners Rob's Plants Southwest Colorado Wildflowers Sue Templeton Telos Rare Bulbs Texas A&M Native Trees Trees and Shrubs Online Turner Photographics Virginia Tech Dendrology Washington Native Plant Society |