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Agapanthus africanus

Agapanthus africanus
lily of the Nile
Agapanthus africanus
Prominent seedpods develop soon after flowering

Common name lily of the Nile
Family agapanthaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z8-11)
Flowers blue (late spring)
Size 18-24"
Light sun-part shade
Cultural notes prefers moist soil

Agapanthus species with wide strappy evergreen leaves, heavier in appearance than those of other commonly grown species and hybrids. Flowers appear on leafless stalks in early summer; the species is blue, white-flowering cultivars are also available. Our specimen suffered a good bit of setback in a hard freeze (down into the mid-teens for a full day and night) in January 2018, but bounced back in the spring, and started flowering by early May. The megafreeze of 2021 was even harder on the plant, but again it returned, more tentatively this time.

lily of the Nile
Demure buds on arching stems, early April...
Agapanthus africanus
...Opening to reveal developing flowers a few days later
lily of the Nile
...actual flowers opening
Agapanthus africanus
Newly planted

In our garden, this plant grows in the following area: foundation border

About my plant portraits
PlantLinks to other web pages about Agapanthus africanus

Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from '19 garden. Baggy 70F (4%G, 13d)
  2. Seed from '20 garden. Baggy 70F (30%G, 10-18d)

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