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Agapanthus 'Headbourne Hybrids' and other hybrids

Agapanthus 'Headbourne Hybrids' and other hybrids

Common name lily of the Nile
Family agapanthaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z6-10)
Flowers blue
From seed [2024 Seed for 'Evergreen white' from NARGS '22/'23 exchange. Baggy 70F (50%G, 15-19d)]

This variety is supposed to be hardy in our zone 6 garden, and sure enough, it hasn't completely gone away even through our harshest winters. But the colder winters do take their toll: after the frigid start to 2014, only a few bits of the previously large clump returned, and didn't bloom. It returned to flower in 2015.
After moving to the Houston area, we picked up an unnamed hybrid agapanthus, which now lives behind our pond.

lily of the Nile
New agapanthus in Houston

In our garden, this plant grows in the following area: front fence nursery area

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