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Amsonia 'Blue Ice'

Amsonia 'Blue Ice'
Common name blue star
Family apocynaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z4-9)
Flowers blue (May-June)
Size 12-18"
Light sun-part shade

This one came to us from a plant swap, labeled as 'White Flower Farm selection', which probably means the 'Blue Ice' cultivar. It was found as a seedling among A. tabernaemontana seedlings at the WFF greenhouses, but has a rather different habit and flower form than that species - so it's probably a hybrid. It stays smaller, and blooms later with larger, more loosely arranged flowers than the species. For years, it just sat in its assigned place, returning nicely every year but never increasing in size. Just this year, perhaps its sixth in our garden, it suddenly expanded through its substantial roots, making the plant much more substantial in our side garden. And that's fine by me.

blue star
The young plant, whispy but already nice
Amsonia 'Blue Ice'
New growth in late April
blue star
And a flower opening in earliest May

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

See comparative information about amsonias in our garden

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