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Asparagus schoberioides

Asparagus schoberioides
Asparagus schoberioides
Asparagus schoberioides

Synonym(s) Asparagus racemosus
Family liliaceae
Life cycle perennial

From what I can tell, mostly grown for its frilly foliage. I grew it from seed several years ago, set a few seedlings in a holding area, and for years I'd lose track of them because they would be late to emerge and didn't attain a size that made me take note. But after some time, I transplanted them to the side garden, where they still live, and seem to be getting more assertive. Still small and easy to overlook, but mighty cute upon close inspection. They are just like a miniature version of their common asparagus cousins, emerging first as tiny replicas of the tender vegetable, before erupting into a tangle of dilly-frilly leaves. The photo at top left was taken two weeks after the one at top right. A few weeks later, tiny white flowers appear along the stems.

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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Last modified: May 14, 2012
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