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Baptisia 'Twilite Prairieblues'

Baptisia 'Twilite Prairieblues'
The replacement
false indigo
The original
Baptisia 'Twilite Prairieblues'
Another shot of the original, a couple years later

Common name false indigo
Family fabaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z4-8)
Flowers violet - burgundy
Light sun

Hybrid between B. sphaerocarpa and B. australis, bred at the Chicago Botanic Garden. It combines some of the yellow coloration of the former (yellow flower bottoms) with the blue tones (but tending more toward purple/burgundy) of the latter. Ours is still small, came from a mail-order shipment – the first one they sent didn't have the dramatic two-color features I had expected, so I asked for a replacement. The new one showed some promising colors early on, but now looks much the same as the original. Attractive, and definitely different from the plain species, but I'd still like to see the named cultivar that I've admired in photos.

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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