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Buxus sinica var. insularis

Buxus sinica var. insularis
Bronze cast in late fall

Synonym(s) Buxus microphylla var. koreana
Common name Korean boxwood
Family buxaceae
Life cycle evergreen shrub (Z5-9)
Flowers insignificant
Size 2'
Light sun

The shiny small elliptic leaves make for a nice low hedge. We use a row of them between our driveway and the front yard. Most of the year they form a bright green bushy line (we don't prune or clip ours), along which we have some perennials and bulbs planted to spruce up the driveway view. As winter approaches, they take on a bronze cast, and by the time spring rolls around, the leaves do look tired and in need of some renewal. I've found that the branches are quite brittle, and easily break off when handled the wrong way. That means taking some extra care when shoveling snow off the driveway after a good winter storm.

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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