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Carex testacea

Carex testacea
Late October

Common name sedge
Family cyperaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z6-9)
Size 2'
Light sun-part shade
Cultural notes moist, well-drained soil

Grown for its bronze foliage that sprays out from a neat tuft. The color is redder than the photo here reveals. I grew this from seed, then read somewhere it was hardly only to zone 7, after which I gave up on having it in the garden. But so far so good - it has withstood our zone 6 winters just fine, for several years now. In warmer climates (and perhaps with more moisture), they grow larger, making more of a statement in the border, but even at a modest 18" height ours do their part with year-round interest.

Carex testacea
Late March - the garden barely awakening, but last year's clumps are still upright, adding a bit of structure to the side garden.
Pretty in crystal, a day after a December ice-storm

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from '03 trade. Baggy 65F (4w) - 35F (6w) - 70F (16%G, 11d). Exposure to light did not result in additional germination

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Last modified: December 20, 2008
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