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Cercis siliquastrum

Cercis siliquastrum
Judas tree
Cercis siliquastrum
A bean, a bean!

Common name Judas tree
Family fabaceae
Life cycle tree
Flowers purple-rose
Size to 15 ft

Attractive small tree with spring flowers; the glossy rounded heart-shaped leaves and burgundy-tinged bark is similar to that of eastern redbud. Our seed-grown specimen has lived in our garden for a good number of years now, and finally blooms reliably. In spring of 2007 it looked completely dead. I had written it off, and was about to lop it, when in mid-May I noticed some leaves appearing from the bottom third of the tree's wood. So I just cut down the lifeless bits, and was pleased to see the tree grow strong the rest of the year. In spring of 2008, the first (single) flower - looking just like our other redbuds. At long last, in spring 2009, a full display of flowers. It's a different look from that of eastern redbud, because the leaves are already prominent by the time the flowers open. Also, at least on our specimen the flowers cluster closer to the trunk.

Judas tree

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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Last modified: May 08, 2009
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