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Chrysanthemum leucanthemum

Chrysanthemum leucanthemum

Common name ox-eye daisy
Family asteraceae
Life cycle perennial
Flowers white/yellow (spring)
Size 2-3'
Light sun

I hesitated whether to classify this as a weed or as a garden plant: we purposely allow a stand of them to persist on our back yard island hill, where they probably established themselves from a wildflower seed mix many moons ago. As a weed they are quite effective, spreading by seed and being quite tenacious, earning themselves a place on a few states' noxious weed lists. But there's no denying their simple cheerfulness, and since the daisy was a theme in our wedding, Amy would seek terrible revenge were I to eradicate them - so there they remain, providing traditional yellow-centered white daisies year after year.

This is a weed in our garden

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