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Cladrastis kentukea

Cladrastis kentukea
Morris Arboretum specimen

Synonym(s) Cladrastis lutea
Common name yellowwood
Family fabaceae
Life cycle tree
Flowers white
Size to 60 ft
Light part-full sun
From seed nick and soak seed, germinate at room temperature
detailed seed-starting info below

Endangered native tree. I grew a single specimen from seed years ago, which lived in our nursery area for a long time (where I was never quite sure of its identity). After I finally moved it to a more permanent location in our back yard, it bloomed,only to reveal it was a Maackia amurensis instead. So despite several attempts to grow this species from seed, I have yet to do so successfully. To remind myself how tall it can get, I keep the photo on this page on hand of a huge specimen I encountered in Morris Arboretum in spring 2010.

This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away...

Seed for this plant is included on my seed trade list

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. JLH '01 sd. Nicked, soaked, pot 70F (100%G, 3-6d). Not all survived)
  2. Same seed as above, lightly sandpapered. Baggy 70F (100%G, 4-10d)
  3. Seed from JLH '14 order (age unknown). Sandpapered, soaked, baggy 70F (25%G, 8d). Roots emerged, but in only one case did leaves develop. I suspect that seed was nearing or past its use-by date

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Last modified: July 02, 2016
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