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Corydalis shimienensis 'Blackberry Wine'

Corydalis shimienensis 'Blackberry Wine'
Corydalis shimienensis 'Blackberry Wine'

Family fumariaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z5-9)
Flowers purple (late spring-early summer)
Size 13"
Light part shade

Lax blue-green ferny leaves, with fragrant burgundy flowers. Given adequate moisture, the plant does not go dormant in summer (but it benefits from being cut back after blooming for a refreshed appearance).

Corydalis shimienensis 'Blackberry Wine'

A couple years after planting 'Blackberry Wine' in our woodland garden area, it apparently disappeared. Then a year later, I found a plant (see photo left) in a completely different area of the garden that had no obvious origin, and was closest in appearance to this corydalis. It looks a little different in flower coloration and structure, as well as leaf appearance, so I don't think this is the same species, but I'll tuck it onto this page until I figure things out.

Corydalis shimienensis 'Blackberry Wine'
This new plant grows from above-ground tubers

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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Last modified: April 30, 2014
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