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Corylus avellana 'Contorta'

Corylus avellana 'Contorta'

Common name corkscrew hazel, Harry Lauder's walking stick
Family betulaceae
Life cycle shrub (Z4-8)
Flowers catkins
Light sun
Cultural notes ordinary garden soil

Probably the most famous "contorted" plant. The marvellously twisty branches are particularly interesting in winter, after the leaves have dropped - the catkins remain for quite a while longer. Slow-growing - we've had ours for quite a number of years, and it's still only about 2 foot tall. The straight shoots that sucker up from the base grow much quicker, and must therefore be hacked down regularly.
Japanese beetles like this plant - in fact, they were probably the primary cause of the demise of our specimen. Perhaps we'll grow another one some day, for now the space it occupied in our garden is sadly empty.

corkscrew hazel, Harry Lauder's walking stick
The catkins, which form in fall, grow longer and fuzzier in spring

This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away...

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common mis-spellings: avellanus

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Last modified: July 21, 2007
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