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Crinum species

Crinum species
red bog lily
Crinum species
I like the elongated bud in this picture

Common name red bog lily
Family amaryllidaceae
Life cycle perennial
Flowers white/pink
Size 18"
Light sun

This plant came with our pond package, installed in the filtration bog where it receives full sun. It was referred to as a 'red bog lily', some kind of crinum. It flowered in July of its second year in our pond, with white or palest pink spidery blooms. The closest match to our plant I've been able to find is Crinum 'Menehune', which features the same dark burgundy foliage, but whose flowers are distinctly pink.
Our plant's leaves get beaten up by our typically light winter freezes, but not enough to knock it back too much. The megafreeze of 2021 was less kind, and turned all of the growth extending above the water to mush. Luckily, the roots survived, no doubt aided by the continued water circulation through the bog, and sent up new growth a few weeks after the freeze.

red bog lily
Just after planting in our brand new pond
Crinum species
The plant now dominates the filtration bog of the pond
red bog lily
March 2021: fresh red blades emerging among the detritus left by the previous month's megafreeze

In our garden, this plant grows in the following areas: waterfall pond, foundation border, right-fence nursery area

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Last modified: March 21, 2021
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