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Decumaria barbara

Decumaria barbara
Seems ready to conquer the wall in Spring 2022
Common name climbing hydrangea; woodvamp
Family hydrangeaceae
Life cycle woody vine (Z6-9)
Flowers white (late spring)
Size to 30'
Light part shade
Cultural notes moist soil

Woody climber with glossy dark green leaves and white flower clusters up to 6" wide. Native to swamps and other damp areas of the southeastern US. While it would naturally climb into neighboring trees, it will also stick to wood and masonry structures; we're trying to grow it up the wall on the north side of our house. It tried to do so tentatively through the next season, without enduring success, but seemed to be ready to reach upward by mid-autumn. The bricks in the wall don't offer any porosity, but hopefully the mortar joints provide enough opportunity to cling on.

climbing hydrangea; woodvamp
Newly planted, September 2019
Decumaria barbara
Spread out a bit, next April
climbing hydrangea; woodvamp
Finally establishing a toehold, October 2020
Decumaria barbara
More robust climbing by end of year

In our garden, this plant grows in the following area: foundation border

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