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Dianthus short hybrids

Dianthus short hybrids
This one, shown blooming in early April, has survived a good number of years in our garden without any pampering
Blooming amidst the late-winter garden debris

Common name pink
Family caryophyllaceae
Life cycle perennial
Flowers various
Size 6-8"
Light sun-part shade

Lots of dianthus find their way to big-box stores without a particular name attached. They tend to grow in tidy mounds of grassy leaves, with plenty of flowers in various double forms and colors. We picked up some plants while starting our Houston garden, and I'm somewhat surprised that they're still alive a year later, surviving the steamy summer and staying evergreen through a hard January freeze. It was among the first plants to start flowering, sometime in February. We'll see if it proves to be a true perennial.

In our garden, this plant grows in the following area: back fence border

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Last modified: April 15, 2021
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