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Dicranostigma leptopodum

Dicranostigma leptopodum
Synonym(s) glaucium leptopodum; dicranostigma franchetianum
Common name yellow poppy
Family papaveraceae
Life cycle
Flowers yellow (summer)
Size 3"
Light sun
From seed germinate at room temperature or slightly warmer
detailed seed-starting info below
Seed ripensextended period, starting late September

This low-to-the-ground plant sports proportionately large yellow poppy flowers. We grew it from seed last year, and it started blooming even under the basement lights, then continued to bloom most of the season, staying low in the front of the border. I couldn't figure out from online references if it was an annual or perennial - but I'm happy to say that some of last year's plants returned for another year. The ones that got part shade didn't come back, so I'm inclined to believe it requires full sun for best performance, and probably good drainage, too.

yellow poppy
Second-year plants show off lots of flowers already in early June

This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away...

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from JLH '03 (via '04 trade). Baggy 75F (70%G, 4-8d)
  2. Seed from '05 garden. Baggy 65F (90+%G, 4-8d)
  3. Seed from '06 garden. Baggy 70F (74+%G, 4-10d)
  4. Same seed as above. Baggy 70F (66%G, 4-15d)

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