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Digitalis obscura

Digitalis obscura
willow-leaf foxglove
Digitalis obscura
Dynamic coloration - after a few days, colors are lighter

Common name willow-leaf foxglove
Family scrophulariaceae
Life cycle biennial/perennial (Z6-10)
Flowers red-orange
Size 1-3'
Light sun-part shade
Cultural notes well-drained soil
From seed germinate at room temperature with exposure to light
detailed seed-starting info below

In the early spring garden, these plants (started from seed last year) were truly the ugly ducklings. They had made a half-hearted attempt to remain evergreen, but by spring the scraggly leaves were turning brown, some falling off, leaving a sad upright stalk with some dismal leaves attached. Needless to say, they didn't sell very well in my plant sale. Somehow, that only increases their charm when they come into their own in late spring - with flowers in colors and patterns that are more dramatic than those of most other perennial foxgloves. That last statement is an optimistic one, of course - I've yet to see if these act like biennials or claim a more permanent place in the garden.

willow-leaf foxglove
Example of the scraggly appearance as new growth starts. Now that I've taken the photo, I'll prune the old growth away...

This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away...

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from '04 trade. Baggy 70F with light (60%G, 9-15d). Not all germinated seeds develop, seem to resent baggy treatment.
  2. Seed from NARGS '11/'12 exchange. Baggy 70F with light (no G, 3w)
  3. Same seed as above. Baggy 70F with light (29%G, 13-19d). Interesting how these showed fair germination, compared to none at all last year.
  4. Same seed as above. Baggy 70F with light (33%G, 17-30d). Many of the sprouted seeds did not survive after potting up.
  5. Seed from NARGS '23/'24 exchange. Baggy 70F (50%G, 5-11d). Seedlings deteriorated quickly in baggy; low survival rate even after early transplant

Pot-sowing or direct-sowing may be better for these

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