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Diodia virginiana

Diodia virginiana
large buttonweed
Common name large buttonweed
Family rubiaceae
Life cycle annual
Flowers white

Although this member of the madder family occurs in Pennsylvania, I had not encountered it in our garden there, so I was unfamiliar with its bright little flowers until it showed up in the lawn of our new Houston garden. As weeds go, not unattractive – smooth elongated leaves along hairy trailing stems with four-petaled flowers followed by bulbous seed structures. But since it has designs on taking over the lawn, spreading rapidly by its lax rooting stems (and presumably also by seed), I have learned I need to be vigilant. Just mowing isn't enough to control it (it mostly ducks under the blades), so I find myself hand-pulling it where it gets too prolific.

Diodia virginiana
Flying under the 'blade radar' in our bermudagrass lawn

This is a weed in our garden

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Last modified: August 21, 2020
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