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Echeandia texensis 'Loma del Potrero Cercado'

Echeandia texensis 'Loma del Potrero Cercado'
Texas crag lily
Echeandia texensis 'Loma del Potrero Cercado'

Common name Texas crag lily
Family asparagaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z8-10)
Flowers yellow (fall)
Size 5'
Light sun
From seed Flowers first year from seed sown indoors early.
detailed seed-starting info below

Fall-blooming perennial native to the Rio Grande valley in southwestern Texas. Winter-dormant, the foliage returns in spring and stays as a green grassy rosette until autumn, when slender flowering stems shoot up lined with yellow blooms with recurved petals. Except that one of our second-year plants decided to bloom in early May. We'll see if it unconfuses itself by season's end.

Texas crag lily
Early-May bloom – an act of confusion?

In our garden, this plant grows in the following areas: foundation border, left fence border

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from NARGS '17/'18 exchange. Baggy 70F (8%G, 13-17d) - 70F with light (32%G, 18-32d)

Unclear if it was the light or simply the progression of time that resulted in the second flush of germination. In any case, patience is warranted.

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