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Erechtites hieraciifolius

Erechtites hieraciifolius
pilewort; American fireweed
Common name pilewort; American fireweed
Family asteraceae
Life cycle annual
Flowers white

All of a sudden this year, lots of plants like the one shown in the photo here are shooting up in our garden. They are fast-growing, with plump stems, and they pull up easily. Their leaves have irregularly jagged margins. According to the friendly folks at GardenWeb's Name-That-Plant gallery, it's pilewort. The real proof would be in the flowers, but I haven't let these weeds grow to flowering stage (the second photo above got close, though). So the ID is tentative.

This is a weed in our garden

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common mis-spellings: hieracifolia hieraciifolia

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Last modified: August 13, 2009
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