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Geranium pratense

Geranium pratense
meadow cranesbill
Distant offspring of 'Splish Splash'

Common name meadow cranesbill
Family geraniaceae
Life cycle perennial
Flowers white, blue (late spring)
Size 18"
Light sun-part shade
Cultural notes ordinary garden soil
Seed ripensearly July

I received seed in a trade one year for 'Splish Splash', and got a good number of seedlings. Planted them all in a row along our driveway, expecting the promised white-and-blue-splashed flowers - but when they bloomed the next year, some were plain white, others plain blue. Still, they were nice enough, and we kept them around. They get some of the worst conditions our garden offers (hot, dry, probably also some salt), yet most of them have survived.

Geranium pratense
A white seedling from Splish Splash
meadow cranesbill
Foliage photo for a different one, grown from 'Albiflorum' seed

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

Read about all the cranesbills in our garden on my geraniums page

One or more images of this plant are included in my stock photo catalog

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Last modified: July 03, 2015
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