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Hibiscus hamabo

Hibiscus hamabo
Leafing out nicely in spring

Common name yellow hibiscus
Family malvaceae
Life cycle shrub (Z8-10)
Flowers yellow (summer)
Size 10-15'
Light sun-part shade

Shrubby hibiscus from Japan and Korea with cheerful large yellow flowers. Reportedly sufficiently hardy for the Houston area. If it grows as large as advertised, I'm going to have to move ours next year, but for now it's set in a relatively protected spot along the east side of the house, where it came through its first winter just fine. The more severe freeze of January 2024 killed it to the ground, but growth restarted in late March. Some sources list this as a variety of H. syriacus, others as its own species – for now, I'm sticking with the latter, since my standard taxonomical references recognize it as a species.

yellow hibiscus
Regrowth after hard freeze

In our garden, this plant grows in the following area: foundation border

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Last modified: April 06, 2024
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