Ipomoea lobata |
I've always heard this referred to as Mina lobata, but I guess taxonomists know better. At any rate, despite several attempts to grow this tropical climber, the flowers have always escaped me. A common fate of annual and tender perennial vines in our garden, for some reason. But this year, success at last! The plant we set at the bottom of the maple tree alongside our bog filter refused to grow into the maple, instead sprawling all over, but at least it thrived and bloomed.
| By early October, it was taking over the maple tree |
This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away... About my plant portraits
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Visitors to this page have left the following commentsJayne Matthew | Jan 05, 2009 | After searching several web sites, this was the only one after the bbc site, to give me usable information regarding this plant. I'm grateful thanks Jayne. |
Kristi | Jul 18, 2012 | I grew this plant a few years ago in Wheat Ridge, Colorado (a western suburb of Denver). I planted it in early May, in full sun next to a wrought iron planter hanger. For four and a half months it merrily grew leaves and more leaves. It seemed to love where I planted it, but there were no flowers. Then, it late August, it just took off. It completely covered the pot hanging from the hanger, and threatened to take over the neighboring flag holder and downspout. It continued to flower profusely until the first hard frost. It never came back, even though it was labeled a perennial. |
Beverly Howard | Apr 29, 2021 | I grew this plant once more than 15 years ago and I still remember how spectacular it looked. I'm trying again this year because I have a Madrone "Marina" that died to its roots in Uri. It is sending up healthy new shoots but I can't bear to cut it down yet so I am going to use it for a vine trellis. I'm trying Mina Lobata and Spanish Eyes Black Eyed Susan Vine for their color as well as a Moon Flower and some Flying Saucers Morning Glory. None of the Mina Lobata has come up yet but I think I've got one of the Black Eyed Susans.
- Seed from '05 trade. Baggy 75F (100%G, 3d)
- Seed from HPS/MAG '08/'09 exchange. Scarified with sandpaper, baggy 75F (100%G, 3-11d)
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Last modified:
April 10, 2009
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