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Lagenaria siceraria

Lagenaria siceraria

Common name swan's neck gourd; bottle gourd
Family cucurbitaceae
Life cycle annual
Flowers white (summer)
Size vine
Light sun
Cultural notes prefers fertile, moist soil
From seed germinate at room temperature or warmer

Sometime mid-summer, I noticed these vines growing up into my tomato cages. I vaguely remembered sowing some seeds in that general area, but I didn't remember which - I thought it might have been melons. Well, it turned out to be speckled swan gourds, the seed coming from the AHS seed exchange. The vines were certainly vigorous with lush large bright-green leaves, and they showed off plenty of crinkly white flowers, which open late in the day. Lots of tiny gourds too, but very few got to be any significant size. Maybe I should have selectively removed the majority to pump energy into a few selected fruits. At any rate, we got a few interesting ones, and the plants kept on going long after the tomatoes with which they mingled had given up.

swan's neck gourd; bottle gourd
Lagenaria siceraria

This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away...

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