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Lathyrus clymenum

Lathyrus clymenum
Spanish vetchling
Immature pods, late June

Common name Spanish vetchling
Family fabaceae
Life cycle annual
Flowers purple
From seed nick and soak, germinate at room temperature
detailed seed-starting info below
Seed ripenslate July

According to some information I had found, this species is supposed to be more freestanding than most lathyrus - but I found it to have much the same habit, laxly climbing up into the fence the backs our cutting garden. The plant has the typical winged stems, and small but charming purple-and-white bicolor flowers. Online photos show color variations where the white is replaced with various shades of pink or purple. The seedpods are marked with a bungundy stripe, and are held mostly horizontally.

Lathyrus clymenum
Pods are filling out in July

This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away...

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from '06 trade. Scarified with sandpaper, soaked 1d. Baggy 70F (100%G, 3-5d)
  2. Seed from '06 trade. Baggy 70F (67%G, 3-5d)
  3. Seed from '08 garden. Lightly sandpapered, baggy 70F (86%G, 4-7d)

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Last modified: April 01, 2011
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