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Ledebouria 'Gary Hammer'

Ledebouria 'Gary Hammer'
false squill
Purple flowers, up close

Common name false squill
Family hyacinthaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z7-10)
Flowers pink (spring)
Size 6"
Light part shade
Cultural notes well drained soil; drought tolerant
From seed self-seeds in our garden, and all seedlings appear to come true

Forms a clump of deciduous leaves, green speckled irregularly with maroon. In early spring, it sends up curvy stems tipped with tightly packed conical bud clusters, which spawn a succession of small purple-anthered pendent flowers. Not very showy, but interesting to watch up close. Clumps grow to 20" wide. Likes full sun in cooler areas, but part shade in our hot and humid zone. Derived from South African species, exact parentage unclear. It appears to come true from seed: our plant spawned a number of seedlings in the summer of its third year in our garden, with much the same markings.

Ledebouria 'Gary Hammer'
Bud cluster in mid-March
false squill
Cool burgundy undersides stand out in newly emerging foliage
Ledebouria 'Gary Hammer'
Several seedlings popping up not far from the mother plant, early September
false squill
Cluster of transplanted seedlings, doing well after surviving the '21 megafreeze
Ledebouria 'Gary Hammer'
false squill
I got a few bulbs of this variety in an online trade – not sure if it's much different from 'Gary Hammer'

In our garden, this plant grows in the following areas: foundation border, front fence border

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Last modified: May 11, 2022
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