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Leucocoryne purpurea 'Andes'

Leucocoryne purpurea 'Andes'
glory of the sun
Leucocoryne purpurea 'Andes'

Common name glory of the sun
Family alliaceae
Life cycle perennial bulb (Z8b)
Flowers purple (winter)
Size 12-20"
Light sun-part shade

Small bulbs for warm climates, native to Chile, with pretty-patterned flowers in the pink-to-purple color range. They bloom in winter, and go dormant in summer. My mail order source did not make mention of hardiness, which I subsequently learned is limited to zone 10, so I had little hope of them surviving the harsh January 2018 freeze – but they proved hardier than reported, and started blooming by mid-March – pretty little things. The following year, they came back stronger (after a mild winter), so I think they plan to stick around. I purchased two varieties, 'Andes' and 'Spotlight', but I suspect the mail order company messed up, because they both look like the 'Andes' variety. Which is nice enough.

glory of the sun
Foliage just emerging, early December after planting early November

This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away...

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