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Ligularia dentata

Ligularia dentata
golden groundsel, leopard plant
Ligularia dentata

Common name golden groundsel, leopard plant
Family asteraceae
Life cycle perennial (Z3)
Flowers orange-yellow (summer)
Size 3'
Light part-full shade
Cultural notes moist soil

I consider this primarily a foliage plant - its wonderful large heart-shaped, purple-tinged leaves create a bold accent in shady parts of our garden. Some gardeners actually dislike the flowers and remove them, but I enjoy the bit of color they provide in our shady corner.
After our original specimen expired after a good number of years, I established some new ones from seed. As you can see in the photo at right, the flowers on the new crop have a slightly different shape, and a brighter shade of yellow. So there is some variability within the species – or perhaps mine have derived from different species or hybrids.

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed from 'Othello' from '00 trade. Baggy 35F (9w) - 70F (1 seed G, 10d)
  2. Seed from 'Mixed leaf forms' from '08 trade. Baggy 35F (80%G, 43-57d)
  3. Seed for 'Britt Marie Crawford' from '10 trade. Baggy 70F (27%G, 11-14d)
  4. Seed for 'Britt Marie Crawford' from '14 trade. Baggy 70F (70%G, 7-21d)

Sets lots of duds - only fat seeds are viable.

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Last modified: August 17, 2013
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