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Myriophyllum aquaticum

Myriophyllum aquaticum
parrot's feather

Common name parrot's feather
Family haloragaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z6-10)
Flowers yellow-green (July-August)
Size 4-6"
Light sun-part shade
Cultural notes water plant, submerge by up to 6"

Pond plant grown for its frilly foliage. With its roots submerged in water, it sends out stems covered in feathery leaves in all directions. The stems can grow quite long: the first time we grew this, in our small patio pond in Pennsylvania, they criss-crossed the entire pond. We lost that one at some point, but have recently purchased a new one to live in our new pond here in Texas. As shown at right, it started out as just a small potted plant, but it quickly (in two weeks) expanded to the state in the photo above. Which means it's going to be good for harvesting nutrients from the pond, an excellent tool in our quest to minimize algae growth.

In our garden, this plant grows in the following area: waterfall pond

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Last modified: April 29, 2017
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