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Paeonia suffruticosa

Paeonia suffruticosa
tree peony
After six years in the garden
Paeonia suffruticosa
early spring

Common name tree peony
Family paeoniaceae
Life cycle shrub (Z4)
Flowers red/white (May-June)
Size 3-4'
Light sun-part shade

I'd been eyeing up tree peonies for long enough - a few years ago, I finally shelled out and got one. A local farmers market had several for sale, and I chose one labeled as 'Shima-Nishiki', a red-and-white two-tone cultivar. It had already done its blooming, so I had to trust the label - which turned out to be trust misplaced. The flower is in fact a royal purple - which isn't half bad, either. But what I've come to realize since the purchase is that the flowers are only a small part of the story - the whole plant is an asset to our garden, with elegantly shaped, cool-colored foliage through the season, interesting knobbly trunk, burgundy leaf buds in winter... I hope I placed it in an acceptable location - it will only receive morning sun, whereas it prefers full sun. We'll see...

tree peony
Budding with promise, early May
Paeonia suffruticosa
Just a few days now...
tree peony
Late November: the trunk is bare, but burgundy buds already show their promise for next season
Paeonia suffruticosa
Stark appearance in mid-winter
tree peony
New acquisition: 'Taiyo'. Nice, but it got done in by a drought the year after it arrived

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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Last modified: January 03, 2013
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