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Pseudotsuga menziesii

Pseudotsuga menziesii
Cones with distinctive bracts
Douglas fir
Interesting-looking immature cone
Common name Douglas fir
Family pinaceae
Life cycle tree
Size to 60'

Coniferous tree native to the United States, popular as a Christmas tree. In our garden, they were planted by the builders of our house in a line atop the berm that runs along the back end of our yard. They started small, and were planted in a staggered pattern with grass in between, which made for an interesting mowing job, zigzagging across the raised berm. By now, they've grown together, and there's only one strip of grass left connecting what's behind the berm (a strip of grass along a road) to the main yard. Only recently did I get curious what kind of trees they were; identification was not difficult, because of the distinctive three-pointed bracts that extend from underneath their cones' scales. They're healthy trees, and have quite a bit more growing to do till they reach their mature height.

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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