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Pulmonaria rubra

Pulmonaria rubra
Christmas cowslip; red lungwort
Common name Christmas cowslip; red lungwort
Family boraginaceae
Life cycle perennial
Flowers pinkish red (April)
Size 12"
Light part-full shade

Crazy! I tried to grow pulmonaria rubra from traded seed several years ago, with no success whatsoever. I don't recall what I did with the seeded pot, but apparently, I tossed it in the back area of the shade garden, because yesterday, lo and behold, a plant with a red flower! An ID request on GardenWeb suggested it's indeed the red lungwort, although I can't find online images that seem to match mine - the closest I've found is the 'Barfield Ruby' cultivar. This one doesn't have the variegation in foliage that other pulmonarias display, and has coarser, hairy leaves. Not sure yet how we'll use it in the garden, but I'm sure glad it decided to germinate after all.
Post-lude: it did not return for another season. I'll have to try the variety mentioned by April in one of the comments below some day.

This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away...

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Last modified: June 05, 2009
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