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Ranunculus repens

Ranunculus repens
creeping buttercup
Common name creeping buttercup
Family ranunculaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z4-9)
Flowers yellow
Size 9-12"
Light sun-part shade

Wildflower imported from Europe, and somewhat troublesome in pastureland (due to its mild toxicity) and in some wetland habitats where it can crowd out native plants. As weeds go, this is one of the prettiest ones, so when I see it I'm usually in no hurry to pull it up (although eventually, it must go). The cheerful shiny golden-yellow flowers appear for a long time, and a plant in full bloom is quite a sight. If this becomes a problem weed in my garden, I'll be cursing myself for my lax attitude – but for now, I feel like a dictator gazing benevolently upon his lowly underlings, withholding disclipline while admiring their comely features.

This is a weed in our garden

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