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Rhus typhina 'Bailtiger'

Rhus typhina 'Bailtiger'
Morning sun playing in the golden foliage
Tiger Eyes staghorn sumac
Rhus typhina 'Bailtiger'
Just starting to change color in late September

Common name Tiger Eyes staghorn sumac
Family anacardiaceae
Life cycle shrub
Size 6'
Light sun-part shade

Impulse buy at a quick visit to Lennilea nursery. I gave it a nice spot in a corner of the back yard, where it will be in full view from many viewpoints. The tree features wonderful golden cut-leaf foliage and fuzzy pink stems, with bright orange fall color. It will eventually grow 6' tall and wide, and fill up its corner site, where two sections of split rail fence come together. Thus far, though, it hasn't grown much - a year after planting, it's still pretty much the same size. I'm hoping for a leap year in 2010!

Tiger Eyes staghorn sumac

The fall color comes early, and is followed by sudden defoliation. The photo at left was taken on October 22nd, before the season's killing frost. When this happened the first year after I planted it, I was afraid the tree had died - there really doesn't appear to be much life in the brittle stems after the leaves drop. But now I know better, and feel confident that the tree will leaf out again next spring, bigger and better.

Rhus typhina 'Bailtiger'

The fuzzy burgundy flowers didn't appear until two years after we planted our specimen. They aren't the main attraction, but add to the interest.

This plant used to grow in our garden, but it slipped away...

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Last modified: June 25, 2010
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