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Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa'

Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa'
corkscrew willow
Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa'

Common name corkscrew willow
Family salicaceae
Life cycle tree (Z4-8)
Size 20'
Light sun
Cultural notes prefers moist soil

We love this tree for its year-round attractiveness - neon-green new growth in spring, lush twisty leaves that sway in the wind during the growing season, and casually contorted branch structures that show themselves best in winter. In its first season in our garden, a rabbit felled the sapling, cutting it at ground level and leaving most of it behind. I stuck the severed stem in the ground, and lo - both the stemless stub and the rootless stem grew, so we've had two trees ever since. They like moisture, so one is planted in the lowest part of our garden, where water collects after summer storms, and we routed the runoff from one of our downspouts to the other one.

corkscrew willow
Bright green catkins in April
Salix matsudana 'Tortuosa'
Not half-bad for climbing, either
corkscrew willow
Mid-November: a delicate carpet of slender yellow leaves

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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Last modified: November 14, 2008
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