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Sophora secundiflora

Sophora secundiflora
First flowers, three years after starting from seed
Texas mountain laurel
Seedling, late April 2019
Sophora secundiflora
Same seedling, early December 2019

Synonym(s) Calia secundiflora
Common name Texas mountain laurel
Family fabaceae
Life cycle tree (Z7b-10)
Flowers purple (early spring)
Size 10-20'
Light sun-part shade
Cultural notes well drained soil; drought-tolerant
From seed scarify, germinate at room temperature
detailed seed-starting info below

Small evergreen tree producing fragrant flowers followed by black pods containing fat red seeds. Tap-rooted, so difficult to move once established.

Texas mountain laurel
At the end of 2020, a good year for growing
Sophora secundiflora
Supple, almost whispy new growth in late March
Texas mountain laurel
Earlier stage of new growth with protoleaves, in August
Sophora secundiflora
About to burst into flower, mid-March 3 years after starting from seed...
Texas mountain laurel
...and flowering a few days later
Sophora secundiflora
Chubby seed pods in mid-April...
Texas mountain laurel
...plumping up further by early May

In our garden, this plant grows in the following areas: left fence border, front fence border

About my plant portraits

Seed-starting details for this plant

  1. Seed collected in 2018. Scarified with sandpaper, baggy 70F (67%G, 9-32d, with additional scarification)
  2. Same seed as above. Knife-nicked, baggy 70F (100%G, 17d-10w)

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