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Spigelia marilandica

Spigelia marilandica
indian pink

Synonym(s) Lonicera marilandica
Common name indian pink
Family loganiaceae
Life cycle perennial (Z5-9)
Flowers red/yellow (June)
Size 12-24"
Light part-full shade
Cultural notes prefers moist soil

Clump-forming perennial with trumpet-shaped flowers - red outside, yellow inside. I bought ours as a fair-sized plant in mid-May of 2007, so when in spring of 2008 I still did not see any return at all in early May, I thought for sure it had perished. By the middle of the month, when the smallest bit of green pushed through the soil, I regained some hope - and by late June, I saw its flowers once again. I guess the plant had woken up in a warmer zone that first year...

Spigelia marilandica
Growing amidst dwarf goatsbeard
indian pink
First sign of return on May 10, 2009

We left this plant behind in our Pennsylvania garden (and wish it well); we don't grow it in Houston.

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common mis-spellings: marylandica

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Last modified: June 20, 2015
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