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Tecoma stans 'Sparklette'

Tecoma stans 'Sparklette'
Bushy growth in first year
esperanza; yellow bells
Upright growth next year
Tecoma stans 'Sparklette'

Common name esperanza; yellow bells
Family bignoniaceae
Life cycle shrub (Z9-11)
Flowers yellow/orange (spring-fall)
Size 24-36"
Light sun-part shade
Cultural notes ordinary garden soil, drought-tolerant

Compact variety of this species native to the (sub)tropical Americas. The trumpet-shaped flowers, yellow on the species but with burnt orange markings on 'Sparklette', are nicely offset by the divided, mid-green foliage. Curiously, after our plant was viciously knocked back in a harsh January freeze after its first season in our garden, it returned from the base with a much more upright habit. It's possible that our plant was grafted, and the rootstock took over – in which case, the rootstock ain't too shabby either. After the megafreeze of February 2021, I was convinced our plant had bit the dust, with no return by early summer. But somehow, some underground bits survived, and by the following year, we had two plants, some distance apart, both eager to bloom.

esperanza; yellow bells
Tecoma stans 'Sparklette'
New growth in mid-February (top killed by freeze)
esperanza; yellow bells
Combining nicely with volunteer four o'clocks

In our garden, this plant grows in the following area: back fence border

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